Reliable Dhanapati Life Insurance
Reliable Dhanapati is a special product for customers. This is a guaranteed return plan, the maturity value is guaranteed on maturity as well as for death of policy holder. It covers savings as well as protection for the customers. Customers can choose the maturity value and time duration on their own. Customers can become crore pati or multi crore pati on their own choice of time duration.
Death Benefit : On death of the policy holder the Insured Amount will be paid to nominee/beneficiary.
In case of accidental death additional amount equal to accidental rider amount (rider sum assured) purchased by the policy holder will be paid to the nominee/beneficiary.
Maturity Benefit: On survival of policy holder to the end of policy term Insured Amount will be paid to the policy holder.
Minimum Insured Amount : Nrs. 50,00,000
Maximum Insured Amount : Depends on income level of customers
Minimum Age at Entry : 18 yrs (Last Birthday)
Maximum Age at Entry : 55 yrs (Last Birthday)
Policy Term : 10 to 40 yrs
Mode of Payment : Yearly/Half Yearly/Quarterly/Monthly
Accidental Rider Benefit:
Accidental Rider Benefit will be available.
First Policy Issue Date : 2074-06-31